Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Starting On the End Tables

Well between yesterday and today, I bought the walnut for the end table legs. I wanted 3" thick walnut, but my supplier only had 4" thick material. It's not like the wood will be wasted, but the cost is $2/bd-ft more expensive for 4" vs. 3" material. Here are some pics of those two boards I bought:

This first board is really nice, 78" long, 10" wide, and 4" thick".

The second board is a little smaller. I need to get a total of 12 legs from the two of them, which will leave some extra behind.

Next step, cut leg blanks from the boards and make sure they are all the same dimensions before bandsawing into legs.

Oh I forgot, I have a new hobby that will complement my cabinet work:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Table Finished and Delivered!

Well this past weekend we carefully wrapped the table in moving blankets and made the trip to Stamford CT. The table traveled well, and we set it up in Gary Jr's apartment.

I must say, it looks really nice there. In fact, my wife liked it so much, she wanted to keep it. Same for my daughter Jennifer!

I made a set of matching walnut coasters, but we neglected to take pictures of them.

After getting the coffee table in place, we started making plans for the matching end tables. Yes, two matching end tables, and a table that will go between the two couches.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Getting the finish on the table

I started putting finish on the table Sunday. I am using Minwax wipe-on polyurethane wood finish. What's really nice about it is that there are no brush marks, the finish levels itself quite nicely. And it dries fast, you can re-coat within 3-4 hours. I've worked the finish with 400 grit sandpaper between coats, and have since moved on to 600 grit. Results in a very smooth surface. Probably one more coat of finish, with a 1200 grit sanding before. Then I can wrap it up and deliver to the customer in CT!